Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chronicles of my Pen...by Jay Williams

This was sent to me by a protégé. Something for the morning. Constructive criticisms please.

Chronicles of my Pen...by Jay Williams.

Mama's coughing is louder this time. Her body rocks violently as the coughing continues. Her face cramps in a painful smile as she straightens her rocking body to look at me.“Come here, let me look at you,”she says. I walk briskly to her side and she holds my little hands in hers,staring deep into my eyes.“Mama, are you sick?” I ask. The painful smile begins to play on her lips again. “I am not sick my son, just a little tired. It is late already, you should be in bed.” “No mama, I want to sit beside you”, I plead. Her eyes darts quickly around her and falls back on me. “You will sit beside me tomorrow. Go to bed. The floor is very cold, you will catch a cold. Go to bed now," she repeats, rubbing my vaguely cropped hair to pacify me. I turn to walk into the house, my khaki shorts still enjoying the grip of my left hand else it falls off my tiny waist.
The violent cough resumes from behind me and I swerve abruptly back to mama. The dimly lit room suffers a mini earthquake as it echoes the violent cough from her. This time was different and frightening. “Papa! Papa!”, I scream on top of my lungs as I reach for her. Tears are dropping from her eyes as she grabs her chest. “Papa! Papa!” I scream again. I can feel her body vibrating in my arms. I kneel to stop her from falling to her side but I am but a frail child. Oh God! “Papa! Papa," this time, I begin to cry too. Papa dashes in through the front door and leaps besides mama. The thunderous sounds of her coughing pierces through my ear drums, finding its way into my infant heart as she continues to rock violently on the bare floor. “Make way” papa urges rather calmly .I am visibly shaken and I can't stop the tears from trekking down my cheeks. I assist papa in raising her from the floor to a sitting position. “Why is mama coughing like this?” I ask my father amidst sobs. “Mama says she is not sick”,with this I begin to cry again. “Keep quiet!” Papa yells at me. His hands are shaking too. “Help her to my back," he instructs as he kneels in her front and I help mama climb to his back. Mama is a big woman. How will papa stand up? I question myself. Meanwhile, mama is quiet again but the tears do not stop. Papa rises with a loud groan and the coughing erupts with it. He staggers to maintain his balance and makes for the door. “Let us go to the clinic," he says. I can feel the urgency in his tone now. Mama's coughing is still loud and she tries to say something but papa hushes her. My khaki remains firm in my left hand as we walk into the night. I can feel the piercing of the icy cold night through my body. There are no lights from any of the houses around. The night is so silent but for the noise from mama's coughing playing in the dark. “Papa, I am scared," I say as the familiar liquid begins to make its way down my left cheek. The pebbles on the floor pricks my bare foot but I do not care because mama has all of my attention. Her coughing begins to accelerate this time and papa starts to run, paying no attention to me. I run after him, trying to keep up with the pace. My crying accelerates too. I have never been so scared. I can hardly see but for the soft light provided by the moon.
The blast of a motorcycle horn transports me into hell, letting a cold shrill run down my spine as it begins to approach us. “Stop! Stop! Please stop!” papa screams to get the attention of the rider. The heavy weight of mama's body slows him down and I stop running too. I wave my free hand and scream alongside papa but the motorcycle speeds past us. Papa let's out a curse under his breath as he resumes running but tiredly this time. I resume with him too but my knees are failing beneath me and I can hear papa breathing heavily. Papa's heavy footsteps are way louder than mine but I can hear my heart thumping loudly within me. The night is quiet again and I start to wonder why. Papa stops abruptly and I open my mouth to ask when he kneels on the open street. “Hold her so I can check” he says. Check what? I question myself. “Mama is quiet now. She is sleeping," I say to him, with relief coursing through my troubled mind. Papa places her on his laps and begins to check. He feels her breath and puts his head on her chest. I kneel to touch mama's body and it is stone cold. Her eyes are closed and the coughing is no more. Papa draws me close and whispers, “Mama is dead.” I begin to shake her cold body as papa weeps silently. I burst into loud sobs with the reality of what papa said hitting me like a thunderbolt. “Mama is not sick! She told me so!” I scream amidst tears. “Mama! Mama! Mama!” I scream repeatedly, hoping she can hear me and start to cough again. The night is still quiet but for my loud sobs and papa's silent tears making their way through it.
That singular event broke and mended me. I became a man even before I was 7, beheld death face to face as it stole from me. I plunge into my chair as I always do after a sojourn into that time, that event, that tragedy, and a love story so strong it comforts me. But daddy joined her 10years later, and all i do is relive the beautiful and sad moments with a pen, knowing they are smiling down at me and watching over me.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Nigeria Votes Today
By Richard Imhoagene
March 28, 2015

After several months of heightened political tension, resulting from inter-party strife, mudslinging, propaganda, and the prolonged uncertainty and avoidable inadequacies that bedeviled the voter registration exercise, coupled with the arguments concerning the preparedness of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Nigerians go out in their numbers today to decide who will rule them in the next four years.

While we await what may change the course of our future forever, it is expedient to review the journey so far, while we assess the activities, strategies, and partisan schemes that characterised the preelection period. The elections previously scheduled for February 14 and 28 were deferred by the electoral commission for reasons the commission had suggested were beyond its control. Before now, many Nigerians had also thought the new dates were not feasible, giving the several issues that arose at the time.

According to Abimbola Adelakun of The Punch Newspaper, "the 2015 presidential election must be one of the most analysed – by pundits and partisans alike – in the history of contemporary Nigeria. It is no surprise though; this is about the most keenly contested in the country’s history with the opposition recognised as viable contenders. The leading parties, it must be said, are barely ideologically distinguishable yet the stakes are unbelievably high and the promised rewards to a long-suffering nation sounding increasingly incredible."

The thought is electrifying. The reality is even more overwhelming. In a matter of hours, Nigerians would have elected (or reelected) a President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Whilst there are those who hold firmly to ethnic and religious affinities as the criteria for choosing one Candidate over another, there are of course others who place issues on the table, analyse them, and make electoral choices based on merit and not sentiments.

The period leading to this moment, especially since the candidates began to declare their political intentions over six months ago, was clouded by apprehension. Apart from the hate campaigns, the rallies and public meetings before and after the primaries, and verbal confrontations between candidates and party spokesmen, there were particular issues that sought to undermine the possibility of conducting an election in Nigeria in such a time.

The insurgency in the Northeast remained the greatest threat to a peaceful election in Nigeria. The Boko Haram militants had not only declared that elections were anti-Islamic and an evil product of western education, their ruthless and murderous activities, and repeated threats to attack polling units caused panic in several quarters. The situation was such that the Defence Headquarters (DHQ) requested a postponement of the elections to efficiently tackle the insurgency in the region.

Consequently, to the amazement of all, the commission announced that elections had been rescheduled for March 28 and April 11, 2015. While some Nigerians supported the decision, stating that it would afford the military more time to tackle insecurity in the North-East and make the region safe for elections and also allow INEC more time to tighten all loose ends, others criticised the action, describing it as a political plot by the ruling party to scuttle the credibility of the elections and a further proof of the influence of government on the decisions of the electoral body.

Next was the issue of Permanent Voter Card (PVC). When INEC disclosed the plan to introduce the PVC, Nigerians welcomed the idea with great optimism, largely because it would bring an end to the periodic application for, and collection of the temporary voter card which required a registration exercise every time there was a reason to vote. This new innovation would mean a one-time registration for citizens of votable age as they will now possess the card that will confer eligibility on them in subsequent elections.

However, the lapses and inadequacies observed in the process of exchanging the TVC for PVC on the part of the commission, coupled with the discouraging attitude of some Nigerians who refused to visit their units to collect their PVCs, discredited the process in the eyes of many. In fact, it was shocking to realise that INEC distributed over 15% of the total number of PVCs issued during the deferment period, even though it had continually maintained that it was 100% ready to conduct elections.

A look at the contenders for this year's presidential election reveals a repeated trend in Nigeria's short democratic political history, where the average Nigerian can only readily identify two out of the more than 10 candidates vying for the exalted position. Many political analysts attribute this to the weakness and limited influence of "smaller political parties who merely participate to fill the numbers." This situation has almost turned Nigeria into a Two-Party System, where there is a clear-cut rivalry between two parties; the ruling party and the major opposition party.

This time around, although there are 14 political parties and candidates vying for the office of President, only the ruling Peoples Democratic Party and the major opposition, the All Progressives Congress seem to be raising the dust. Every time you turn on the television, it is either one PDP rally in the South-East or one APC rally in the South-South. All you see and hear about are Goodluck/Sambo and Buhari/Osinbajo. Without exaggerating, more than 80% of Nigerians are unaware that there are other political parties contesting for President. A little more than that figure do not know the candidates representing such political parties in the polls.

For the sake of clarity, a mention of the political parties and candidates for this year's presidential election would suffice. The ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, submitted the names of President Goodluck Jonathan and his vice, Namadi Sambo, while the main opposition All Progressives Congress, APC, submitted the names of Muhammadu Buhari and Yemi Osinbajo as presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Others are Oluremi Sonaiya and Saidu Bobboi for Kowa Party, Ambrose Albert and Haruna Shaba for Hope Democratic Party, Ganiyu Galadima and Balarabe Ahmed of Allied Congress Party of Nigeria, ACPN, Rafiu Salau and Clinton Cliff Akuchie for Alliance for Democracy, AD and Godson Okoye and Haruna Adamu, for United Democratic Party, UDP, Alagoa Kelvin Chinedu and Arabamhen Mary, PPN, Ayeni Musa Adebayo and Anthony Faith Ologbosere, APA, Sam Eke and Hassana Hassan, CPP.

Also on the list released by INEC are Nani Ibrahim Ahmad and Obianuju Murphy-Uzohue of African Democratic Congress, Martin Onovo and Ibrahim Mohammed of National Conscience Party, NCP, Tunde Anifowoshe-Kelani and Paul Ishaka Ofomile of Action Alliance and Chekwas Okorie and Bello Umar of United Progressive Party.
The Labour Party, LP, and the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, have already adopted the PDP candidate, Goodluck Jonathan as their candidate as well.

Of all the 14 candidates, only Jonathan and Buhari were candidates in the last election in 2011. But unlike 2011, the tides have changed tremendously. The race seem to be closer and tighter than ever before. The APC has succeeded in putting up a formidable synergy for an opposition party, giving the PDP a run for their money. The choice of a christian pastor as running mate has further added impetus to APC's contest, against a President who has lost a great percentage of the popularity he enjoyed in 2011.

One thing that is evident in this year's election is that rather than deal with issues, political parties embarked on hate campaigns and mudslinging to attack the credibility of their oppositions and smear the image of rival political parties. This is a major concern for the future of Nigeria. Analysts are of the opinion that Nigerians have not been sufficiently convinced by any political party on the reason why it should be voted into power, because the parties have failed to sufficiently address issues.

Security concerns have been downplayed by both the police and the military. The Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Minimah has assured Nigerians of the readiness of the Army to protect lives and properties before, during and after elections. The Inspector General of Police, Suleiman Abba has also reassured Nigerians that the Police, in collaboration with other security agencies, is committed to the safety of lives and property of Nigerians, and ensuring peaceful and credible elections in the country.

It is now a matter of hours until Nigerians are greeted with the man or woman who would steer the ship of our nationhood to that destination that will put smiles on the faces of the common citizens, and bring renewed hope in our journey towards development. It is, therefore, hoped that Candidates and Party Loyalists respect and uphold the Peace Accord signed a few months ago and ensure peace and credibility during and after the elections.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

INEC May Yet Defer Elections

Why Elections May Not Hold On March 28

By Richard Imhoagene
March 13, 2015.
As the weeks run by and major political contenders continue to play power politics in the days leading to the most important period of Nigeria's socio-political environment in recent times, Nigerians are apprehensive over the fears allayed by stakeholders concerning the alleged unpreparedness of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

There are strong indications that elections which have been postponed from its original dates of February 14 and 28 to March 28 and April 11 may yet again be postponed following recent developments in the polity, events which have the potential to hamper the integrity of Nigeria's elections if not properly addressed.

Just days ago, a Federal High Court sitting in Abuja on Wednesday ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to include the Young Democratic Party (YDP) in its list of duly registered political parties. Uncertainty impliedly looms over possible conduct of the rescheduled elections on March 28 and April, respectively, as INEC is now expected to reproduce ballot papers to bear YDP and its logo.

The question now making the rounds is; will INEC be able to honour this judgement with the rescheduled elections barely three weeks away? Many people seem to disagree, considering the many processes involved in printing all required documents needed for an election, especially in a country like Nigeria.

In a related development, a Pro-democracy group under the aegis of Nigerians United for Democracy (NUD), has raised fears that the March 28 and April 11 dates for the general elections are not sacrosanct. This is one group that sees the need to incorporate every legitimate party in the electoral process if the process is to be deemed credible.

The group, the Nigerians United for Democracy also wondered why some political parties had launched negative campaigns against the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC. It stated through its spokesman that it is unlawful to make derogatory comments against a lawfully recognised body like INEC.

Briefing newsmen on behalf of the group in Port Harcourt, Rights activist, Anyakwee Nsirimovu expressed concern about plans by powerful politicians to scuttle the general election.

In a rather uncertain development, the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, Attahiru Jega, has told Nigerian federal lawmakers he could not guarantee the 2015 general elections will hold on rescheduled dates in March and April. Mr. Jega made this known to Senators recently stating that he could not commit himself to the “sanctity” of March 28 and April 11 dates for the rescheduled Nigeria’s general elections.

Speaking further, he said the electoral commission could not guarantee aspects of the poll that are beyond its control. These aspects, pundits suggest range from violence to malpractices, and so on. Mr. Jega met with the lawmakers to review the decision to postpone the polls from February.

Under the Nigerian law, a further six-week extension of the elections is possible, a prospect opposed by many Nigerians, the main opposition All Progressives Congress, APC, and the international community.

INEC had said the postponement were necessary for security reasons, as military chiefs had warned against going on with the vote to allow it focus on fighting the terror group, Boko Haram. But the APC said the delay was instigated by President Goodluck Jonathan, to save him and the ruling party from losing the elections to the APC candidate, Muhammadu Buhari.

Since announcing the new dates nearly two weeks ago, the commission has declined to clearly confirm that there will be no further delay beyond March 28 and April 11, for presidential, National Assembly, governorship and state assembly polls.

Responding to a question by George Akume, Senate Minority Leader, on the sanctity of the new dates, on Wednesday, Mr. Jega said it was difficult for him to respond, saying he could only give assurances over aspects within the control of INEC.

“That’s a very difficult question to answer. I have said not everything that has to do with the conduct of successful election is within the control of INEC,” Mr. Jega said.
Mr. Jega also said the commission will go forward with its plan to deploy card readers for the elections.

Let us not forget that there have been some concerns, mainly from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, about the plan as Nigerian law prohibits electronic voting. On Wednesday, while PDP Senators opposed the plan, their APC counterparts welcomed it.

Heineken Lokpobri, a PDP Senator from Bayelsa State and Odion Ugbesa, from Edo State, argued against the use of card readers for the elections, saying it would be illegal. In his response, Mr. Jega said card readers would only be used for accreditation not actual voting, stating that there was no law forbidding the use of electronic devices for accreditation.

Agitations to shift the general elections heightened on Thursday, as one of the political parties, Young Democratic Party (YDP) said that Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) should either accommodate the party in the forthcoming general elections or reschedule them.

Reacting to the Federal High Court's order of INEC to issue a certificate and include YDP in the general elections, the INEC Director of Voter ‎Education, Osaze Uzzi, and the Chief Press Secretary to the INEC Chairman, Kayode Idowu, declined to comment, stating that apart from what they read from the newspapers, the processes of the court documents are yet to be served to commission.

A national commissioner of INEC who does not want to be quoted said, "We are yet to be served, but mind you, INEC has the right of appeal. We wait until the court processes are served on the commission. Also note that the commission has reached an advanced stage of the preparations for election. The worst case scenario is that the commission will seek for a stay of execution and subsequently appeal the order of the Federal High Court."

Addressing journalists in Abuja on Thursday shortly after its National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting, the National Publicity Secretary of the party, Barr. Ugo Nwofor described the judgment as victory for democracy, rule of law and triumph over impunity.

According to Nwofor, they were ready for 2015 elections, but gave INEC two options, which include the re-printing of its ballot papers to include YDP, so as to accommodate its candidates. The second option, Barr. Nwofor, said if INEC does not have the appropriate logistics for reprinting of its ballot papers then INEC ought to within the constitutional provision further re-schedule the general elections so as to accommodate our party.”

As we continue to watch in perplexity, there is the wish that Nigerians can finally heave a sigh of relief when and how INEC and the government become certain as to elections holding as scheduled so that the nation can focus on its so many challenges.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Race To Aso Rock..the Return Leg

The stage is now set for what may turn out to be the tightest contest in the history of Nigeria's democracy. The nation is caught in anticipation as the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has set aside February 14 as the date for the event that may change the course of Nigeria's future forever.

It seems like Nigerians will yet see a rematch of what played out in the 2011 Presidential election as the two major contenders, President Goodluck Jonathan and General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) have yet again clinched the ticket to contest for the most exalted position in the land after a convention was held simultaneously by the ruling PDP and the opposition APC last week.

Barring any unforeseen development, President Goodluck Jonathan of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) of the main opposition party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) may once more be engaged in the electoral battle that will determine who eventually emerges the indisputable winner of the presidential election slated for Saturday, February 14, 2015.

From all indications, the forthcoming presidential election will be the most crucial of all the presidential elections held in Nigeria since the return of democratic dispensation on May 29, 1999. The Peoples Democratic Party, which arrogantly claims it is the biggest political party in Africa, has been in control of affairs at the federal level, as well as in most of the states and local governments. But in spite of this, the citizenry, most of whom are poverty-stricken amidst abundant natural resources, are yet to benefit from the dividends of democracy.

There is no doubt that the participation of Jonathan and Buhari in the 2015 presidential race will be a keen and interesting contest. The factor of incumbency still portends great advantages for the President. However, unlike in 2011 when Obasanjo stood solidly behind Jonathan to ensure he not only clinched the party’s ticket, but emerged President, the current frosty relationship between the duo can affect the president’s chances.

The recent prolonged volcanic crisis that rocked PDP, which inevitably led to the shameful exit of the immediate past National Chairman, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, and the defection of five state governors and others, were indications that may have stalled Jonathan's chances in the primaries which many have described as a coronation ceremony, they are factors that may affect his reelection bid.

When Buhari contested on the ticket of the defunct All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) in 2003, he was defeated by Obasanjo of PDP. Again, Buhari of ANPP was defeated by Yar’Adua of PDP in 2007, while Buhari of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) was defeated by Jonathan of PDP in 2011.

But, following the recent devastating crisis that befell PDP and the incalculable consequences thereafter, the emergence of the All Progressives Congress (APC) as a veritable formidable political opposition group is capable of seriously threatening the position of President Goodluck Jonathan in 2015.

Unlike in 2003, 2007 and 2011, when Buhari sought election on tickets of weak political parties, he will in 2015, be standing on a strong foundation represented by APC, which now stands as the major opposition party in Nigeria, just like the Republicans in the United States.

As Buhari contests against Jonathan in 2015, there are chances he may win overwhelmingly. In 2011, he defeated Jonathan in 12 of the 19 states in the North, while Jonathan won in the remaining seven states. Incidentally, two of the seven states – Kwara and Adamawa -  now belong to APC, thereby reducing the chances of Jonathan, especially in the North.

Besides, the appeal which the incumbent president enjoyed in the 2011 election may not work for him this time around. He, obviously now has shoes to wear and did not live up to the expectation of the common man who saw himself in jonathan, a situation that made him emerge victorious in most parts of the country, including Lagos and Edo states.

As Jonathan, in spite of the opposition his nomination attracted, especially in some parts of the North, finally emerged candidate of PDP, it was a wise tactic in the interest of APC to ensure its presidential candidate for the 2015 election is from the North in view of its strategic importance. The candidate must also be of impeccable character.

An unrepentant advocate of zero tolerance for corruption and indiscipline, as well as tested and trusted leader worthy of emulation, Buhari is seen by many as a person that if given another opportunity, will sanitise the country to enable it regain its lost glory for the benefit of the citizenry living in abject poverty in the midst of plenty.

Jonathan, on the other hand, seems to enjoy the support of most parts of the South-South and South-East. Some states in the South-West, not under the hold of the APC and Asiwaju Tinubu, may also increase the chances of Jonathan. There is also the allegation that Buhari is a bigot, even though many have debunked this claim, stating that his personal cook and chauffeur are christians.

Buhari's controversial statement some years ago about Dogs and Baboons, and the threat to make Nigeria ungovernable with obvious unfolding events to drive his claims is also a matter that calls for skepticism about his involvement in the Boko Haram quagmire.

But for APC to record an impressive performance in the 2015 presidential election in particular, the South-East and South-South should not be neglected. In this regard, Chairman of APC Governors’ Forum and Governor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, and Chairman of Nigeria Governors’ Forum and Governor of Rivers State, Hon. Chibuike Amaechi, have a lot of work to do, especially judging by the fact that most of those in the South-South and South-East have pledged their support for Jonathan.

There is no doubt that the South-West states (except Ondo State) and Edo State are for APC. By the way, Buhari enjoys the support of many states in the North, unlike Jonathan, and this could be one of the strengths of the former Head of State in case the duo finally become candidates of their parties in the crucial and decisive 2015 presidential election which co-incidentally, will hold on Valentine’s Day.

Tighter Austerity, Job Losses Loom as Naira Sells 194 to Dollar

Nigeria's current woes seem not to be fading just yet following recent developments in the international scene.

The continuous fall in the price of crude oil and the recent devaluation of the nation’s currency, the naira, are putting serious pressure on the economy, with the currency experiencing a free fall in recent times.

The naira exchanged for as high as 194 to the United States dollar at the street market on Friday, having traded for about N188 some days ago.

Pen4truth gathered that the pound and euro sold for between N294 and N296, and N236 to N238, respectively on the streets of Lagos on Friday.

Despite the measures taken by the Central bank to check the continued devaluation of the naira as a result of the free fall in crude oil price, including using a huge chunk of the nation’s external reserves to defend the naira, the situation seems to be getting worse.

The persistent depreciation of the naira, however, forced the CBN to on November 25 devalue the currency against the dollar by eight per cent from N155 to N168.

The central bank thus expected the naira to sell against the dollar for between N160 and N176.

However, the naira has been selling outside the CBN target band at the interbank forex market (where the banks sell to themselves and their customers), a situation that has fuelled speculation among analysts that the bank may be forced to devalue the currency soon again.

As of Friday, the naira closed against the dollar at N184.50 at the interbank market.

It is feared that the continuous financial crises may force government and the corporate sector to adopt stricter austerity measures like tax increase, salary reduction, and evenjob cuts to survive the coming days.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Ekiti Govt Seeks Sanction Against Obasanjo for Contempt

The Ekiti State Government has urged the Federal High Court in Abuja, which found former President Olusegun Obasanjo guilty of contempt, to sanction the ex-President for violating its order restraining him from publishing or circulating his new book, My Watch.

The state government described Obasanjo’s action as a deliberate impunity and contempt of the court, saying that sanctioning Obasanjo was necessary “to serve as deterrent to other people who see themselves as ‘super powers’ far and above the laws of the land.”

In a statement by the State Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Owoseni Ajayi, the government said it was embarrassing that a former President “will be behaving with impunity, disregarding the rights of other Nigerians and recently became contemptuous of court orders.”

Ajayi’s statement read, “In the lexicon of our legal jurisprudence, a court order, however frivolous, must be obeyed until discharged by that court or set aside by another court.

“It is therefore a deliberate impunity and disregard to the rule of law and our judiciary for Chief Obasanjo to disobey the said order made by a competent court of law. It stands condemnable.

“The court should be courageous enough to sanction this impunity and deliberate contempt of its order to serve as a deterrent to other people who see themselves as “super powers” far and above the law of the land. The sanctity of our judiciary must be protected.

“In concussion, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo must be told the truth that he is not a saint in the class of our lord Jesus Christ while other former and present rulers are satanic agents to be sent to the gallows for persecution.”

Journey to Aso Rock 2015: Buhari vs Jonathan

y 2015 election.

He clearly defeated four other APC aspirants –Atiku Abubakar, Rabiu Kwankwaso, Rochas Okorocha and Sam Nda-Isaiah, having already impressed with an Lagos till about 7pm on Thursday.

His victory sets him yet again as the number one challenger to President Goodluck Jonathan, who on Wednesday was formally handed the Peoples Democratic Party flag for the 2015 election.

Buhari, who was born on December 17, 1942, was Jonathan’s main opponent in the 2011 presidential poll. He first had a shot at the Presidency in 2003 against Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. In 2007, he ran against Umaru Yar’Adua(now late).

His emergence for the fourth time as a presidential candidate was welcomed by the APC national leadership, delegates and   aspirants. One of the defeated aspirants, Okorocha, described him after the official announcement of the results, as “the man capable of chasing away Jonathan in 2015.”

Buhari was handed a return certificate by the Chairman, Third National Convention and Presidential Primary of the APC, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, having scored 3, 430 votes to beat   Kwankwaso,who is the Kano State governor, to a distant second with 974votes.

Surprisingly, former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar, came third. He scored 954 votes.

Okorocha polled 624 votes to come fourth while the Publisher, Leadership newspapers, Mr. Sam Nda-Isaiah, came fifth with 10 votes.

There were 16 voided votes in all.

Buhari, in his acceptance speech, said the opposition was poised to sack Jonathan from Aso Rock next year.

He said Nigerians were tired of 16 years of broken promises, hardship, corruption, ineptitude, impunity and lack of vision by the     PDP and its leaders.

Buhari said history beckoned on Nigerians to make the necessary change by voting out the PDP. He commended his rivals   for fighting a gallant fight.

Explaining that he was not the best among the contestants, Buhari said providence had thrusted on the leadership of the APC, the task of giving Nigeria a new lease of life.

He said, “My common cause is the love I have for our nation. I want Christians, Muslims, the old and the young, the rich and the poor to come together and let us advance together the cause of this country.

“Preserving the nation’s future is a great obligation to all of us. This is what the government in power should saddle itself with, otherwise, they have no reason being in government.

“The PDP government is leading us to destruction. Nigeria should be the leader of Africa. Our people sleep in and pay for darkness. Over 200 of our girls were abducted and government has been unable to do anything about it.

“Several of our youths were trampled to death because they went in search of employment. Are we happy to continue to live like this? My answer is “No! No! No!”

The Daura, Katsina State- born ex-soldier said if elected in 2015, he would evolve a five–point agenda that would engender constitutional governance, improved security, poverty eradication through job creation and end   ethnic , tribal and religious bigotry.

An indication that Buhari was likely to emerge the winner of the long-drawn contest showed at the venue of the rally when most of the governors of the party subtly rallied support for him before the start of the primary.

All the governors of South-West directed the delegates from their states to vote for Buhari.

Delegates from each state comprised serving and past senators, serving and past House of Representatives members, past and serving governors, past and serving deputy governors, state cabinet members and ministers.

Buhari, who turns   72 years this month,   was warmly received at the stands of the South-West states .

The shouts of ‘Sai Baba!’ rent the air as he embarked on a walk to the stands.

When he made his speech, a thunderous ovation from the VIP stand greeted his welcome address and manifesto.

The party’s leaders who were at the VIP stand included the National Chairman of the party, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun; a former acting National Chairman of the party, Chief Bisi Akande; a former National Chairman of the PDP, Chief Bernabas Gemade; another former National Chairman of the PDP, Chief Audu Ogbeh; a former National Chairman of the defunct, All Peoples Party, Chief Ogbonnaya Onu; among others.

Odigie-Oyegun described the convention and primary as historic and unprecedented in the annals of the country.

While conceding defeat, Okorocha said   Buhari’s emergence was an act of God, adding that all the aspirants were winners.

He said, “For every sunrise, there must be a sunset, this responsibility has fallen on a new shoulder. I say that it is God that has made this day possible and I believe this is for a purpose.

“While I congratulate Gen. Buhari, permit me to appreciate Alhaji Abubakar, a dogged fighter and a detribalised Nigerian and one that knows when to fight and when to stop fighting.Let me also comment the passion of my brother Governor Kwankwaso for his zeal in making this competition a reality.”

Abubakar also congratulated Buhari on his victory. He said he would honour the agreement by the aspirants to support the winner of the primary.

The former Vice-President promised to work with Buhari to ensure the victory of the APC in the general elections next year.

He said, “Last night when I stood here, I said history is going to be made at this venue. I said this convention would be political evolution; that this party would renew   democracy in this country and since last night you have witnessed what I describe as the most credible election to be ever conducted by any political party in this country.

“On behalf of my humble self and my supporters that voted for me, I congratulate the winner of this very historic election .I therefore congratulate Muhammadu Buhari. We have pledged that whosoever wins this election, all of us will work as a family.

“Let us use this opportunity to thank the leadership of our party. Bola Tinubu has been my contemporary in the fight to restore democracy and sustain it and depeen   democracy in this country. I want to pay tribute to his contribution.

“Buhari has been an embodiment of nation-building for decades and he has continued to offer himself to this country. He will march this party to victory in less than two months.”

Oshiomhole congratulated   Buhari   and commended the four other presidential aspirants   for “a gallant fight.” He urged them to support the winner in order to emerge victorious in the presidential election.

The governor said, “First, let me congratulate the candidate of our party, a highly disciplined, tested and trusted leader, Maj. Gen. Buhari, for emerging through this refined, transparent and credible process of delegate election.

“I also wish to congratulate the delegates for their tolerance, patience, maturity and commitment towards ensuring a successful convention which has produced such a strong candidate for our party."